3D Animation Class Highlights


Precious Princewill

1. Bouncing Ball

This project was my favorite to do during this class. I had a lot of fun manipulating the ball to show different feelings, poses and so on. While working on it, I also had better understanding using Maya's graph editor to edit my keys and its values. Overall, this allowed me to be comfortable with Maya's animation graph editor.

2. Walking Cycle

This one was an interesting one to do. Initially, I had trouble figuring out controls and how the walk would look like. Once I figured these things out, it turned out to be easier than what I had originally thought. Another issue I had was visualizing what the walk looked like. I didn't know how Antsy's body moved and how it interacted with space.  Despite minor challenges, I am overall pleased with the way it came out, despite the critique I had got from it.
